What Do We Mean by Parent Viewpoints?

Deborah Ruf, PhD
7 min readAug 1, 2024

… and how might it relate to gifted child outcomes?

How parents support their children in every aspect of their lives is based largely on the parents’ viewpoint. It also affects how much they are willing to change the environment to fit their child or how much they expect their child to behave in ways that make the existing environment work for them. If the parents hold a view about what is important, they will be less likely to listen to their children or allow them to experiment with their interests, choose something else, or do less than the parent expects in the tasks related to the outcome the parent expects. If the parents instead believe it is valuable for the child to decide what is personally important and valuable, the parents see their role more as one of providing support, lessons, and opportunities for the child to fully develop their interest. Authoritative parents are likely to advise their children on the pros and cons of their goals and to help them see the steps needed to become successful, e.g., earn at least enough to support themselves while doing what is personally important and satisfying to them. Permissive, uninvolved, or neglectful parents also hold viewpoints.

Children are usually aware of what their parents’ viewpoints are even when those views aren’t necessarily expressed to them specifically and directly. My own children…



Deborah Ruf, PhD
Deborah Ruf, PhD

Written by Deborah Ruf, PhD

High Intelligence Specialist & Writer, Dr. Ruf writes about highly intelligent people from birth to very old age. www.fivelevelsofgifted.com

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