Moderately Gifted Children’s Early Adult Outcomes, Part 1

Deborah Ruf, PhD
8 min readNov 14, 2024

Who’s Happy? Who’s Anxious? And What Do They Say About Their Path to Adulthood?

There are four people in Level One from The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up (2023) 20 year longitudinal study. This blog explains it a bit about the journey — path — to adult outcomes. Two subjects are in this post and two more from Level One are in Part 2. They are Moderately Gifted. Remember that the giftedness levels are only one method that helps to share information — and address appropriate needs and support — of children and adults with different abilities and profiles.

As a reminder about how to interpret the tables, the presentation of the subjects follows the order of their K-12 school fit from conditions Unsatisfactory, Acceptable, Satisfactory to Excellent. This provides a context from the now-adult subjects’ early educational background to where they are now in respect to their viewpoints, careers, and relationships with family and friends. As you read, look for a growing complexity in thoughts, views, circumspection, bitterness, anxiety, or confidence as we “listen” to what the subjects have to say about their experiences.



Deborah Ruf, PhD
Deborah Ruf, PhD

Written by Deborah Ruf, PhD

High Intelligence Specialist & Writer, Dr. Ruf writes about highly intelligent people from birth to very old age.

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