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Are Schools Set Up for Gifted Children? (Highly Gifted, Level Two)
Level Two children and their parents had even more difficulty finding a good school fit. Level Two children and adults are highly gifted. One might think that school personnel would notice the advanced abilities of the students and help to adjust the material and pacing for them. As readers will see, that is certainly not the case in the early grade levels.
In the first post about the grade school experiences of bright to moderately gifted youngsters in grades kindergarten through their 12th grade years, I explained how to read the tables and what options are usually available for students during their school years. For a refresher, see my post titled Are Schools Set Up for Gifted Children? (Part I, Level One) on this platform.
Let’s look at the longitudinal research results for Level Two children*
There are 13 people listed in the Level Two table. Level Two learners are highly gifted students in the 98th and 99th percentile on standardized tests and who learn more quickly, especially in their strength areas, compared to most students with whom they are typically…